Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break Fun

This is our St. Patrick's Day dinner. We had lettuce wraps, pear jello, asparagus, and green velvet cupcakes (seen later). It was fun!
Us girls went a got pedicures!! It was really nice to relax. And now my toes are ready to see the sun!

Oh by the way...I cut my hair, about 10 inches.
Mel cut her hair too, then I dyed it!
These are the green velvet cupcakes that I made. They looked really good but they didn't taste the best. It wasn't a very good recipe. The frosting on the other hand was delicious... really can you go wrong with butter cream frosting?

We had our first B-B-Q! It was fun!
She's enjoying her B-B-Q peanut butter and jam...
We went shooting up Hyde Park Canyon. Matt went on three separate days.


The DeGiulio's said...

Yeah talk about a fun spring break!!! Haha mine was studying and taking boards. Im jealous but glad to have them over with. Love your new hair cut so cute. And how fun to get pedicures. Those are two things on my list to do for April. I want cute toes & I think Im going to cut my hair short too. And maybe get a massage too hehe, I think I deserve it.

Kassey said...

oh how fun!!! i think that i need to send you some pic. did you steal them off my blog!! we are pretty fun!

Gina said...

Cute hair! It was great to see you a few weeks back. It had been too long. Hope things are good!

Kenzie said...

I love the hair cut!!